You Are the Beloved

An Invitation to Dwell

You Are the Beloved </h1><h3>An Invitation to Dwell</h3>

You are the beloved.

Maybe you’ve never heard that before. Maybe you’re sitting there thinking that you’ve heard it too many times. Either way, I’ll say it again and again:

You are the beloved.

As Christians, we say this often. We don’t, however, dwell on it often. We say it as a matter of fact and then quickly move on. We speak about it indirectly, but rarely let it come into focus. We let it be that cliché that everyone says, but few allow into the deepest parts of their hearts. We say, “I know I am a beloved child of God, but…” filling in the blank with our excuses or complaints. “That’s nice and all, but it doesn’t really mean anything for the everyday meaning of my life. Tell me something practical.”

My friend, there is nothing more foundational (and, therefore, practical) than the Truth that you were made by Love for Love. Nothing else could give your life its true meaning or purpose.

It’s so easy to get caught up in everything else: trying to actively participate in the Sacraments, discerning our Vocations, evangelizing, pursuing careers, trying to be productive, seeking accomplishments, and wanting so badly to be noticed. We try so hard to do the will of God, white knuckles clenched on the pencil that is writing the story of our lives instead of surrendering it to the One who knows how to write the ending we’ve been hoping for.

Even with our best intentions and our greatest desire to do what is right and good, I think we often miss the point because we fail to recognize our belovedness.

We try to earn love. We try to prove that we are worthy. We allow other people to determine our value. We let lies about our human dignity take root in our hearts. We give shame and guilt permission to rule our lives. We let fear dictate our choices.

Pause. Take a deep breath. Recognize that the God of All, the Creator of the Universe, the Sustainer of Life has chosen you as His beloved.

I can’t force you to believe it; that isn’t why I am writing this. Rather, I invite you to dwell in this foundational Truth. Don’t just say it and move on. Don’t follow it with “but.”

Dwell in it. Wrestle with it. Receive it. Own it.

You are the beloved.

From my heart to yours,


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