A huge part of growing spiritually is being nourished by what we are reading. The books below are ones we have personally read, recommend, and are on our bookshelves at home! They have tremendously helped us in our journey to holiness, and we hope they can do the same for you. There are all different types of books for wherever you are in your spiritual journey—so take a look and enjoy our bookshelf!!

Note: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases when you buy from the links below. However, I don’t recommend anything unless I truly believe in the product. So if you want to buy any of these books and also want to help a sista out, buy from the links below. 🙂


  • The Way of Trust and Love: By Father Jacques Philippe
    • Phenomenal and powerful little book. Short and easy read, yet very profound. I recommend reading a little bit each day over a couple weeks. Awesome book if you’re looking for a little push in your spiritual life or just want to mix things up.
  • 33 Days to Morning Glory: By Michael Gaitley, MIC
    • This is one option for Marian Consecration which takes you to the heart of Mary through the lives of four saints: Louis de Montfort, Maximillian Kolbe, Mother Teresa, and Pope John Paul II.  This is my personal favorite consecration method and the one I recommend to anyone who is new to Marian Consecration!
  •  Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary: according to St. Louis de Montfort
    • This is the original Marian Consecration method put together by St. Louis de Montfort. This one is a bit more rigorous than 33 Days to Morning Glory, but I strongly recommend it to anyone who is renewing their consecration. 
  • 33 Days to Merciful Love: By Michael Gaitley, MIC
    • This 33 day do-it-youself retreat takes you to the depths of God’s merciful heart. Father Gaitley uses St. Therese as a spiritual guide to Divine Mercy. This book truly transformed my spiritual life. It taught me how to truly trust Jesus and the merciful love of the Father.
  • Interior Freedom: By Father Jacques Philippe
    • This book inspired me to make the most of each circumstance in life and use my freedom to joyfully choose what’s in front of me. Mind blowing and VERY POWERFUL!


  • The Other Side of Beauty: By Leah Darrow
    • A former contestant of “America’s Next Top Model,” Leah talks about what real beauty as a daughter in Christ means. Contrasting it to the version of beauty that the world tries to tell us, Leah’s witness is authentic and raw. Highly recommend to all women.
  • My Sisters, The Saints: By Colleen Carroll-Campbell
    • This book is an incredible witness to living the faith. Colleen takes you through the struggles and joys in her life and how her faith and female saints helped her to live out her faith during life’s toughest moments.
  • Girl, Arise: By Claire Swinarski
    • Claire runs a popular podcast for women called “The Catholic Feminist Podcast.” Not only is she blunt, refreshingly honest, and daringly bold in the way she speaks of femininity in the world, but she challenges women everywhere to rise to who they were created to be. This is a short read (only 100ish pages), but it packs a punch. A must read for any woman!!!


  • My Heart Will Triumph: By Mirjana Soldo
    •  An autobiography written by one of the visionaries of the Marian apparition site, Medjugorje. Read this book then try telling me you don’t believe. It changes lives, and I’m not just saying that. Powerful testimony.
  • World’s First Love: By Fulton J. Sheen 
    • If you have any questions about Mary whatsoever, read this book. Incredible.


  • Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love: by Edward Sri 
    •  Arguably one of the best books I’ve ever read. This book truly transformed by understanding of love and opened by eyes to ways I didn’t even realize I was using others and loving selfishly. Everyone should read this book regardless of their vocation or stage in life.
  •  Emotional Virtue: by Sarah Swafford
    • This book helped me tremendously in navigating my emotions and hopes in the dating world. As a hopeless romantic that dreams of having a family one day, Sarah spoke straight to my heart.
  • Dating Detox: by Kevin and Lisa Cotter 
    • If you’re unsatisfied in your relationships, fed up with the dating culture, or have just given up hope altogether, this book is for you! I recommend it to anyone in their single years, whether they are dating someone or not. The Cotters will help realign your focus on what is good and true through this 40-day detox, complete with daily challenges. Very practical and helpful!


  • Resisting Happiness: by Matthew Kelly
    •  Matthew Kelly has always been a favorite of mine. This book is a simple and easy read, but gives practical advice for how to live out joy in your life.
  • The Grace of Enough: By Haley Stewart
    • If you’re overwhelmed and in need of some simplifying in your life, this book is for you. Haley is a whitty, real, and stellar storyteller. She speaks truth in a way that’s easy and enjoyable to read.


  • He Leadeth Me: By Father Walter Ciszek
    • Father Ciszek was a Catholic priest who was captured and kept in Soviet prison and labor camps in Siberia for 23 years. This book is such a page turner and you won’t want to put it down. The incredible story of Father Ciszek is a powerful witness to God’s providence in our daily lives. I learned so much through Father Ciszek’s testimony. It left me feeling inspired to trust God more fully in my daily life.
  • Chiara Corbella Petrillo- A Witness to Joy: by Simone Troisi and Cristiana Paccini
    • One of the best books I have ever read. Chiara’s witness touched my heart in a truly profound way and showed me what authentic and Christ-like love looks like in action. The way she was able to find joy in her sufferings and unite them with Christ’s is inspiring. I recommend this book to everyone!
  • Saint John Paul the Great: by Jason Evert
    • Saint John Paul the Great has always been one of my favorite saints, but this biography only made me love him more. Get a glimpse into the life of this 21st century saint through stories and spiritual insights that may catch you by surprise.

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