Faith & Voting

Election season is right around the corner, and as always, tension can seem to be running at an all time high. We can barely even go on social media without…

You are the beloved.

You are the beloved. As Catholic Christians, we probably say this often... But do we actually believe it? Do we let this penetrate our hearts? Why are we so quick…

Joy in the Ordinary

We so often get caught up in hoping and waiting for the extraordinary, we forget that God is still giving us graces in what we consider the mundane. Let's face…

Getting Over the Fear of Being Vulnerable

Our society tells us that vulnerability is weakness. We often let ourselves believe that we have to be tough or perfect all the time, never letting any one into our…

You Can’t Please Them All

Are you a people-pleaser? Do you struggle to unashamedly live as the person God created you to be? Are you always wondering what people think of you? This week, learn…

Let God Tell Your Love Story

Many singles feel this pressure to find their spouse while balancing surrender to divine providence. This week, Samantha and her husband, Luke, share their love story and show how prayerful…

Setting Boundaries For Your Heart

We've alllll heard the chastity talk and how we should set physical boundaries while dating, but what about emotional boundaries?! We've all let our thoughts and daydreams get way ahead…

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