Beautiful Depths was created to speak to someone just like you who is tired of the fleeting pleasures of this world and wants to find true and lasting joy. You want to know there is hope for something better.

Well I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to settle for an inauthentic world, broken relationships and a mundane life. So many people settle for that because they think it’s the best they can get. But don’t you dare settle for those lies!

Our souls long for truth, love, joy and a lasting peace. We were made for more than the fleeting happiness this world offers. We were beautifully designed and hand crafted by God for a purpose. We were made to be saints and live in perfect happiness with Him in heaven one day.

Unfortunately, we often get distracted from our true purpose by the lies of the culture. That’s why our mission here with this ministry is to bring you back to basics and point you to the Truth. And also to let you know you’re not alone!

We all struggle and fail sometimes, but we keep striving. Here at Beautiful Depths, we share our stories, our triumphs, and our struggles because we want to inspire you to seek Christ in your own life. Our goal is to connect and speak to each and every one of you—whether you’re already a strong Christian or you’re skeptical of religion in general. The depths of your soul are beautiful, and we want you to experience the joy that comes only from a life rooted in Christ. Why?

Because you’re worth it.

From the depths of my soul to yours,

Josie Kuhlman (Founder)

P.S. I’d love for you to join our ministry and community here at Beautiful Depths. Click the link below to join the hundreds of others in our community and get up-to-date blog posts and resources to help you deepen your faith and grow spiritually. Can’t wait to be friends!


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